Mineral Separation Plant

Proven MSP, located near key logistics infrastructure.
RZ owns the Brisbane Mineral Separation Plant (MSP), the only facility of its size and scale on the East Coast of Australia.

The MSP is a geostrategic asset capable of processing raw metals into finished products, including titanium, zircon, and rare earth concentrate. These products are essential for industries including defence and clean technology, making RZ a unique upstream and downstream producer in Australia.
The plant’s capacity to process up to 400,000 tonnes of heavy mineral concentrate annually, positions RZ as a key player that can compete directly with China, which currently monopolises the critical minerals and rare earths marketplace.

The Brisbane MSP is progressing towards becoming a processing and laboratory hub for critical minerals. RZ will continue collaborating with other critical minerals companies to provide third-party processing access and product testing. Discussions are also ongoing with universities in Australia and overseas to develop better products for target customers.

Consolidated Rutile, Iluka, and Sibelco previously operated the facility. Once updated and upgraded, it will seek operational approvals from local government under state legislation. When the Copi mine is operational, that product will utilise approximately half of the Plant’s capacity, leaving room to support other critical minerals mines in Australia and maintain a sovereign supply chain.